Viewing everything in Green Tea

Tsuen Chaya

Tsuen tea shop in Uji is located in the same place since 1160. In the eight centuries, Tsuen family prepared tea for thousands of travelers, noble samurai and shogun. The 24th Generation ensures continuity in the modern, technical era. "Our house tea provides a moment of pleasure people for hundreds of years. So before anything else, the first thing we think about is how we can help customers enjoy a cup of green tea." (Ryotaro, 23rd Generation)

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Kanbayashi Teashop

Mitsuboshien-Kanbayashisannyu-Honten is a long-established store first started in the Tensho Era. Along with the long history and tradition that it inherited, the store is known as the master of tea ceremony for the Shogunate. Kanbayashi does not aim to… Read more

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Mr. Yamashita has garnered more than six decades of experience in the production and the cultivation of Gyokuro.

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